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Galaxy Multimedia Technologies  
You are here: home  > offers  > we are looking for Velocity Micro Cruz R101 Reader

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Galaxy Multimedia Technologies [Nigeria]

Country/Region: Nigeria

we are looking for Velocity Micro Cruz R101 Reader  [Nigeria]

Update Time: 2012-02-15
Valid to: Never Expired
Detailed Description: Good day, I want to purchase bulk of your velocity cruz. But i want to know the following: What model of velocity cruz do you have? Is it original or Clone? Can it use 3G network? does it have a camera? can you insert sim card? Give me details of the hardware features, like processor speed, RAm, Storage Size etc Give me details of the software feature, like pre-installed Applications, Operating system and more. It's urgent! Joshua Eigbe
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Contact Details
Mr. Joshua Eigbe
Galaxy Multimedia Technologies
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